專業開啟家居及商業 ( 大門 / 鐵閘 / 房門 / 夾萬 / 電子鎖 ) 另設即日上門換鎖服務,為您提供一站式貼心服務 供應各國名廠鎖膽(Medeco/ Mul-T-Lock/ Cadman/ Yale/ Iseo)

Black hair styling, cornrows, dreadlocks, braids, kinki twist, hair extension
美容 / 髮型設計及護髮HONG KONG BRAID

Mini serviced apartments, fully furniture for businiess and long trip

gabion welded wire mesh gabion box popular in Philippines

上水美甲 上水種植睫毛
B美容 / 美甲Birdy House - 上水/粉嶺美甲

鄰近港鐵站(1分鐘步程), 地點方便, 人流充足 -過百萬裝修及配套, 教學設備齊全 -場地逾二千呎, 可開拓生日派對及租場服務 -位置當眼, 有多個廣告位, 宣傳效益大 -場內有3個多功能房間, 同時可供40人上課 東主無閒兼顧多個業務, 割價誠讓. Pls call 5400 0040 Chat conversation end Type a message...

多款新淨婚紗晚裝西裝出售!真心好抵(價錢低至200!!),唔洗怕整污糟要賠, 又唔洗怕淘寶之後貨不對版,大家快預約到本店選購! 優惠:婚紗/西裝/晚裝買第2件即減$150, 3件$200(歡迎同朋友夾單) 婚紗/西裝/晚裝/姊妹裙(全新) Date: 20-21/2, 27-28/2, 5/3 6/3 Time: 12:00 - 19:00 不設試身 敬請預約 歡迎inbox查詢 可以去我地f

教學進修 / 補習Passion Education - ENGLISH

Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

屢獲殊榮的8度海逸酒店提供雅緻舒適的服務式客房及套房,面積為26-58平方米(280-620平方呎),適用於連續住30天或以上,更可享一連串設施及服務,為您締造一個平靜安逸的 「家」。
H物業地產 / 服務式住宅Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees Limited


The unique charming neighbourhood with winding streets is made up with lots of contemporary arts galleries. designer workshops. tradition antique shops, chic bars and cafes.
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Mier Serviced Apartments

Three-Bedrooms Suite/Apartment : HK$46,000 to HK$90,000 p.m. (INCLUDES management fee, government rates,
P物業地產 / 服務式住宅Presidential Apartments

皮革課程 DIY皮革教學 皮革工作室 訂造皮革 皮革工藝材料專門店 場地租用 寄賣
A消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Aurora Leatherware

Our Maids We choose our employees with the same care you take in selecting a home cleaning service. Sparkle Maids are experienced professionals you can rely on to clean beyond the surface, trust with
S商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Sparkle Maids

108. 雙層悼念花架(約7呎高) 2-Level Funeral Flower Arrangement on Stand (7'H approx.) HK$1,200 (HK$850起 up) 109. 悼念花架(約6呎半高) Funeral Flower Arrangement on Stand (6.5'H approx.) HK$950 (HK$550起 up) 110. 悼念花圈(約4
A鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Amaze Floral & Gift Design Service
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